As the new year rolls around and we are filled with new hope and anticipation for what it holds for us. We are once again faced with the following questions: What would I like this year’s focus to be? Where am I headed in life? Is my life meaningful? For some, the way forward is clear, whether it is because they are doing work they love, are in a meaningful relationship. Some others may have the time, financial resources and energy to engage in enjoyable experiences or have achievable goals to aspire to with the adequate support they need. For others, life is just about either simply surviving or drifting from one day to the next, hoping for a meaningful anchor to hold on to.

No matter which category of people you fall under, finding one’s purpose is not simply about knowing what you want – it's also about cultivating it, maintaining it and re-evaluating it from time to time.

Here are some things to think about during your journey:

  • Rediscover yourself first. That’s right. Self-awareness and self-discovery are an essential part of figuring out what you’re doing with your life. Purpose does not have to look like the media or someone else’s version of what constitutes a fulfilling life such as fame, money or power. For you, purpose could lie in your day-to-day living. For others, it could also be grand or mundane, as long as it is worth waking up for in the morning. Spend time re-evaluating your likes and dislikes, values and interests, hopes and fears, and it will become increasingly clear where your purpose lies. The basic question is - What will make you happy?

  • Appreciate what you have. The attitude of gratitude is a winning one, because no matter where you are in your life and how far there is left to go, you have personal resources to work with if you can train yourself to look for it. Whether it’s a good emotional support system, time to yourself, a passionate work ethic or simply the seed of good intention, there are at least some things which are going right and you’re already on your path to finding your purpose. You don’t have to become someone else to be successful or find meaning, you need to appreciate your personal strengths and use them to help you move towards your goals.

  • Cultivate a community where you belong. Your inner circle of people and the company you keep really does affect your sense of well-being. Your relationships could be the difference between feeling empowered and encouraged to lead a life of meaning and feeling too exhausted to even try. Curb the relationships in your life that are toxic and do not serve you. Instead, spend time with like-minded people whose values are like yours and who inspire you to grow and evolve.

  • Know what to hold on to and when to let go. On your journey for meaning, it is incredibly important to be flexible. As you change and grow, your purpose may grow and change with you. Don’t feel like you must hold on to things you can no longer resonate with and develop the wisdom to let things go when it is time. Instead, be present and respond mindfully to situations as and when they arise and adapt to them accordingly. Things may not always go according to plan, and most things won’t be in your control, but that’s okay. Keep the big picture in mind to help you not sweat the little things.

Purpose is an abstract term which means something different to everyone depending on their individual needs. If you can discover what drives you, inspires you or makes you envision something better for yourself than you are today, you are well on your way to discovering your purpose.


Author: Debanjali Saha

Debanjali Saha is a counselling psychologist who works primarily with young adults using a compassion-focused approach in therapy. She is very passionate about Self-Compassion, a topic she has been researching since 2014. She has started a wellness community called Couch of Compassion, where she tries to help people relate to themselves with kindness through her writing and workshops.