As the new year rolls around, don’t get bogged down by the same old resolutions. Instead, a wiser way to approach the new beginning is to commit to something more important and enduring. You may think that leading a long and healthy life is about specific activities like eating well and exercising. But in today’s article, let’s explore the one theme that underlies all the activities you need for a good life: HABITS
Habits are the small decisions we make and acts we perform every day. Research shows that they account for about 40 percent of any given behaviour we do in our daily life. In many ways, our lives are shaped by our daily habits, whether it is regarding our physical fitness, mental well-being, our social relationships, or work commitments. Each of these areas in our life requires daily or weekly effort.
Here are essential tips for good habit formation:
Set specific goals: The more concrete and specific your plan, the easier it will be for you to stick to your goals as well as measure them. For instance, if you would like to start a writing habit, instead of the goal being “I will write something every day”, a way to reframe the habit could be “I will write for 30 minutes on a pre-decided topic”.
Make a detailed plan: with a start, middle, and end to your habit. For instance, if you wish to inculcate meditation into your daily routine, the start would be forming a trigger or a “cue” to get you into action. Your cue to meditate could be an alarm at a specific time, the middle would be the actual meditating time, and the end could be signaled by time for a mid-morning snack.
Find something to like about it: The more you enjoy a behaviour, the more you are likely to repeat it. If you wish to get into a morning walk routine, find a way to make your walk more exciting, such as by adding music into the mix, finding a scenic route to walk along, or finding a walking buddy.
Be flexible: Every day may not equal the same situation as yesterday. Find a way to be flexible and adapt to changes. If you overslept one day and missed your regular journaling time, try to make time for it just before bed that night. If there is no tea at home, make do with coffee.
Get social support: Finally, good habits are reinforced by positive feedback from our social circle and reduced by negative feedback. Do away with people who are likely to discourage you and try to surround yourself with positive people who can help you stick to your goals for leading a balanced life.
So, let’s end with: What are some activities that you should consider making into a daily habit for a happier and healthier life? Here are a few, backed by science:
Start doing physical exercise during the day - walking, sport, dancing, or yoga
Include plant-based foods in your daily diet, eat in moderation, and don’t follow fad diets
Practice good sleep hygiene and sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day
Pay attention to your mental health and practice mindfulness daily
Avoid smoking as it cuts your longevity by a decade, according to studies
Limit alcohol intake to protect your liver, your heart, and your mind
Nurture your social relationships as they are a big source of happiness
Pursue personal hobbies and interests and find time to be by yourself
Do not engage in social comparison because it affects the peace of mind
Pay attention to things that inspire you: nature, music, art
If you can form and maintain healthy habits, there is almost nothing else you need to be able to lead a long and healthy life.
Author: Debanjali Saha
Debanjali Saha is a counselling psychologist who works primarily with young adults using a compassion-focused approach in therapy. She is very passionate about Self-Compassion, a topic she has been researching since 2014. She has started a wellness community called Couch of Compassion, where she tries to help people relate to themselves with kindness through her writing and workshops.