Relationship Issue


Akash has been lately taking more and more time off work, saying – “He was unwell”. One of his colleagues noticed that he is unable to perform up to his true potential. He suggested that he call the EWAP helpline.

Akash was initially hesitant to reveal what was troubling him. After his counsellor reassured him of confidentiality, non-judgemental way of therapy, he started expressing himself. In the initial session, Akash revealed that he is having difficulties concentrating at work, meeting his deadlines which was leading to an avoidance behaviour towards his workplace. He also reported that he is having trouble getting sound sleep following his daily routine and has lost interest in activities he used to enjoy earlier.

After probing a bit more about his concerns, it was discovered that Akash is facing difficulty in his relationship with his partner.

He believed that his relationship has lost the initial spark, which was giving rise to feelings of guilt. Therapy sessions that followed explored his idea of an ideal relationship as well as the impact of social media and his peer group on his relationship.

The counsellor adopted a collaborative approach and educated Akash about how relationships evolved over time. She helped Akash explore his patterns of communication with his partner, and to focus on his thought processes and the emotions of guilt. The counsellor also discussed a few techniques that include conflict resolution, acknowledging our own struggles, facing our fears upfront and being more emotionally aware.

After a series of therapy sessions, Akash started to feel more equipped to deal with his emotions. He started to enjoy little moments of happiness with his partner and felt more confident about facing his fears.