Each new year, we try new resolutions and pursue different goals. On some level, these resolutions have one ulterior motive - to be happier. Be it money goals, body goals or anything else, we believe that achieving certain goals in these areas will make us feel better about ourselves or improve the quality of our lives.
While these goals might help you step up in different areas, the definition of happiness varies from person and person. Most often people get so fixed in the goal that they forget to enjoy the path that leads to it. Interestingly, we spend more time on the path to the goal while the moment of achievement itself doesn't last that long.
Here are some mindful steps that you can take to a more fulfilling and content life in the coming year. While these steps may not guarantee happiness, they can certainly make the journey of living smoother and more meaningful.
1) Setting Meaningful Goals
Have you found it tempting to try a goal because you saw someone else doing it? It's common to feel that way, but you have to keep in mind that what makes a meaningful goal for one person, might not make a meaningful goal for you.
When you want to set goals, take some time to reflect on whether that goal resonates with the kind of person you are and the kind of life you want to live. For example, losing weight could be a common goal for two people. For one it might make sense to go to the gym 2 hours a day while for the other, it might suit them best to play badminton for movement and focus more on the diet. So, even if the goals are the same, the enjoyable way to achieve it could be different for different people. Find your own path so that you can enjoy the process.
2) Break It Down to Smaller Steps
Big goals are great to set but are usually hard to achieve. Why? Because the grandiosity of your goal can end up overwhelming you instead of motivating you. So, consider setting short-term achievable goals or breaking down your big goal into smaller achievable steps. These goals should align with your values and aspirations, providing a sense of purpose and motivation. Celebrating small victories along the way can cultivate a positive mindset and a feeling of accomplishment.
3) Embracing a 'Look at the Bright Side' Approach
Good times and challenges come and go. While it is important to let the natural emotional responses flow, it's crucial to consciously choose to focus on the positive aspects of even difficult situations. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Practising gratitude is a great way to cultivate this mindset. It will keep our eyes open for the smallest joys and accomplishments to create a more optimistic outlook on life.
4) Practicing Acceptance for Moving Forward
Life is full of uncertainties, and acceptance is a powerful tool for navigating them. Rather than resisting or dwelling on circumstances beyond our control, practising acceptance allows us to channel our limited energy into constructive actions. It's not about passively surrendering to things, rather it's acknowledging what's beyond your control and spending your energy on things that are under your control. This mindset shift can be transformative, giving you a sense of inner peace and boosting your resilience for life's inevitable ups and downs.
5) Nurturing Connections and Relationships
Human connection is a fundamental aspect of happiness. As we step into the new year, prioritize cultivating meaningful relationships. Whether it's spending quality time with loved ones, expressing gratitude, or actively listening, cultivating strong connections can contribute significantly to a sense of belonging and fulfilment. These connections also act as the support system that cheers you on to achieve your goal and has your back when things don't go according to your plan.
In pursuing happiness, it's crucial to recognize that it's an ongoing journey rather than a final destination. Do set your goals, but focus more on the process and make it a fun one. While happiness may not be guaranteed, the intentional effort put into these practices can undoubtedly contribute to a brighter and more satisfying new year.
Author: Nivetha Kannan
Nivetha writes blogs on mental health and wellbeing topics for Silver Oak Health. She is a professional content writer and is passionate about the field of psychology & personal development. She writes impactful content that brings positive changes in people. Her mantra for life is to ‘be curious, and not judgemental’.