Have you noticed these recent trends when people talk about feminism or woman empowerment? Many of these seem to focus too much on how a woman could be anything a man can be or how a woman could have it all (career, family and looks). Yes, it's absolutely wonderful that women today are starting to have the well-deserved opportunity to pursue any career they want, choose the lifestyle they want to live and create the family of their dreams. But seeing these things over and over on social media can sometimes be stressful, isn't it?
#Bossbabe, #Girlboss, #Mommygoals, #Girlpower, #Momprenuer, #Bosslady
While it is amazing to see other women living their best life and achieving incredible things in life all while looking gorgeous, it can make us feel a little insecure or inadequate in our own life. We feel like we're not doing enough and that is when comparison takes root in our minds. The way things are portrayed, it seems like woman empowerment is synonymous with successful women. But that's not true!
Yes, women have more freedom today than before.
Yes, women have more opportunities today than before.
Yes, women can achieve whatever they put their minds to.
But it doesn't mean that all women have to be successful to be worthy in this era. It means that women can be anything they want to be, not what society tells them to be. We should make our own choices and strive for success without having to fall into the set categories of woman empowerment.
So, here are a few reminders for you:
You don't have to be a 'mompreneur' who juggles between being a mom and an entrepreneur.
It's okay if you haven't yet found the perfect partner with whom you have an Instagram-worthy relationship.
It's okay if you want to be a stay-at-home wife or mom and want to enjoy a life of leisure and relaxation.
It's also okay if you want to break all the glass ceilings in your industry and don't want to have a family of your own.
You don't have to look put together every day or be fashionable to validate your worth.
It's okay if you don't fit into the beauty standards society stipulates.
You don't have to be successful in everything you do to prove that you are capable.
You don't have to be the "perfect" woman who can do it all.
And it's okay if you have no clue what you want to do with your life at this point.
Instead of trying to chase trends and hashtags to feel good about being a woman, let's be our own hashtag. Live life the way you want to live. Chase your passions and hobbies with the curiosity of a child. Enjoy the beauty of life. Celebrate yourself in your own way and within your own limits. It's time that we redefine the term "woman empowerment" and make it inclusive of all types of women. The beauty and power of womanhood lie in its diversity, and we should celebrate that.
So, take a breath and remind yourself that you don't have to live up to anyone else’s expectations or standards just to be noticed and appreciated as a strong independent woman. Just be who you are because that is enough. That's true woman empowerment!
Happy Women's Day!
Author: Nivetha Kannan
Nivetha writes blogs on mental health and wellbeing topics for Silver Oak Health. She is a professional content writer and is passionate about the field of psychology & personal development. She writes impactful content that brings positive changes in people. Her mantra for life is to ‘be curious, and not judgemental’.