Imagine a team where stress is managed, focus is sharp, and well-being thrives. Silver Oak Health's Tranquil program helps you achieve this by cultivating Internal Mindfulness Champions within your organization.

These champions are individuals within your organization who become advocates for mindfulness practices. They'll lead initiatives at the team level, fostering a culture of well-being throughout your company. We, in turn, provide guidance and support to them throughout their endeavor, with relevant training and tools to carry out this integral role.

Benefits of Internal Mindfulness Champions

  • Increased employee engagement

  • Improved communication and collaboration

  • Reduced stress and burnout

  • Enhanced well-being



Ever felt like you just need to unplug and hit reset? Your employees do too.

At Silver Oak Health, we believe in fostering a work environment that prioritizes well-being. That's why we offer support in creating Tranquil Mindfulness Zones – dedicated spaces where employees can:

  • De-stress and recharge: Escape the daily grind and find moments of peace in a soundproof room.

  • Boost focus and productivity: Unwind and return to work feeling revitalized and ready to tackle challenges.

  • Enhance well-being: Cultivate mindfulness practices that benefit various aspects of life, both professional and personal.

More than just a break room, Tranquil Mindfulness Zones go beyond offering a quiet space. They are a commitment to employee well-being, fostering stress management, effective leadership, interpersonal relationships, and conflict resolution.