Mental health care needs have been on the rise in the past decade. That said, the accessibility and affordability of such care are far from meeting the demands. So, Artificial Intelligence is one of our biggest hopes to bridge this gap.
AI shows great promise in therapy, revolutionising the way mental health care is delivered and accessed. Researchers have found that artificial intelligence programs used in mental healthcare can effectively identify signs of depression, PTSD, and other conditions by analyzing how people behave. In fact, some studies have shown that these programs are great at identifying behavioural signs of anxiety. They're also spot-on in predicting which at-risk teenagers might develop psychosis, with a high degree of accuracy.
Understanding AI in Therapy
AI in therapy refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies, like machine learning algorithms and natural language processing, in mental health care services. Unlike humans, these technologies can analyze huge amounts of data, like patient information and treatment outcomes. And use them to identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent to human therapists. This can come in very handy for therapists in diagnosing mental health conditions, developing personalised treatment plans, and monitoring patient progress.
The Benefits of AI in Therapy:
1. Accessibility
Many people in rural and underserved areas do not have access to traditional therapy because of their location. Financial constraints also reduce the accessibility of mental health care services for many. With the use of AI, therapy solutions can be made accessible remotely and at a low cost, allowing these individuals to receive the care they need.
2. Personalization
AI-powered technologies can detect individual differences and even preferences to create a more personalised and achievable treatment plan. As the treatments are tailored to the unique needs of each patient, they can be more effective in terms of outcomes.
3. Reduced Bias
As humans, we are biased in nature. Our experiences, cultural backgrounds and individual perspectives influence our decision-making. AI, on the other hand, operates on algorithms and a vast amount of data. This can help reduce bias in mental health assessments and treatment recommendations.
4. 24/7 Support
Round-the-clock support can be made possible with AI-powered tech solutions. This can prove very useful for individuals experiencing crises or those in need of immediate help.
5. Reduced Stigma
While the awareness is growing, there is still a stigma associated with having mental health issues. As seeking therapy exposes someone for having them, many still struggle to get over the fear of being judged and seek help. With AI solutions, they can seek help discreetly without having to go through the judgments of people around them.
6. Provides a safer space to open up
Did you know that almost one in every four people lie to their doctors? Because talking to a doctor is still a one-on-one interaction with another human being. Especially in smoking, drinking habits, and sexual activity, the shame one feels can easily push them to undersell the extent of their problem. For them, it could be much easier to admit things to a robot because it doesn't judge.
Examples of AI in Therapy
The most well-known use case of AI in therapy is for chatbots. Using features like Natural Language Processing (NLP) they are great for immediate support and can engage in conversation with users to provide empathy, guidance and resources based on the user's input. For treating conditions like phobias, PTSD and anxiety, virtual reality (VR) therapy is gaining traction as it can create immersive environments that mimic real-life situations. AI can also be used as a preventative measure as predictive analytics technology can understand early signs and symptoms.
The Future of Mental Wellness with AI
The future of mental wellness with AI looks promising. As AI continues to evolve, AI-powered therapy solutions will likely become more sophisticated and effective in addressing a wide range of mental health issues. Combining this with the expertise of human therapists, we can make mental health care more accessible, personalised and effective for everyone.
Author: Nivetha Kannan
Nivetha writes blogs on mental health and wellbeing topics for Silver Oak Health. She is a professional content writer and is passionate about the field of psychology & personal development. She writes impactful content that brings positive changes in people. Her mantra for life is to ‘be curious, and not judgemental’.